Why should what a cow looks like concern you as a consumer?
For 50 plus years I have been intensively studying and judging the physical makeup of both beef and dairy cattle.
During this time I have observed a dramatic change in body shape of all breeds of cow from moderate framed, wide based to taller and narrower.
The result is clearly a frailer and weaker animal with many, many problems. This has had negative ramifications for the cattle, the farmer and the consumer.

Farmers worldwide are under pressure from rising production costs because modern cows
– Genetically Altered Bovine Breeds (GABBY) –
require feed supplementation, hormones, antibiotics, intensive care and have very poor fertility. Farmers are now farming a high input cow with actual real costs showing up to be higher than returns.
Farmers must change the design of the cow they are farming if they are to be sustainable and profitable. Successful grass based farming is only possible with the correct design of your cow herd.
Watch and Compare John O'Brien talks through examples and shows the differing outcomes.
Click on play button to watch here, click title on video header to watch on YouTube, or click here to go to our video page.
Comparing Cows with John O’Brien
Comparing Bulls same age same breed
Nature's Blueprint Cow Introduction Video
Nature's Blueprint Cow twins calves feeding
Comparing Angus Bulls with John O’Brien
Mountain Cattle Sale with John O'Brien

Why this Site?
Worldwide the actual physical shape of all breeds of cows has changed dramatically.
Independent research clearly validates;
this process has undoubtedly resulted in a change in the function of the modern cow compared to those of yesteryear.

Wholly Cow Genetics
Dairy and Beef Genetics.
‘The most important part of any Sire is the Cow family behind him.’ John O’Brien
View pictures of the Dams and related females of the Sires which have been carefully selected to improve your cow herd economic functionality. Frozen Genetics are available.
John O’Brien
“My life feels as though it has been (and still is) a continual quest of identifying the most economically functional cow. I firmly believe efficient cow design is the key.”
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John O’Brien
“As well as great cows, farmer profitability has always been a high priority and I firmly believe efficient cow design is the key.
About the writer John O’Brien
My name is John O’Brien and 55 years of experience in the cattle industry began with milking cows on the family farm at age 6. Based in Melbourne, Australia, this experience covers every aspect of the Australian and International Dairy and Beef Cattle Industries, from importing and exporting live cattle and frozen genetics, breeding stud and commercial cattle, consulting to cattle breeders in Australia, New Zealand and the U.S.A. on genetic selection and design, as well as designing Profitable Farming Systems™; Branded Beef Programs; and working in beef processing rooms.
I am 70 years and when I look back I got here real quick. My mother said from an early age “Once John saw his first cow it was all over.” From as far back as I can remember I have been fascinated by cows. Once I missed school for several days after my favourite cow had died. Dad promised to spread her remains on our farm. Not sure it happened but I felt a little better.
On our family farm ear tags were not required as I knew ‘everybody ’ by sight. Leaving school with the instilled belief ‘You must get a good job’ my Mum was very happy when I scored at job in the local Hospital in the Pathology Department. My Dad said nothing and it was only when (18 months later) I voiced to him I had to go and work with cows; he smiled and said “I knew this would happen.” Mum was shattered.
And so I took a job as a Livestock Agent with a small firm, a job which I instigated . The manager did not take me seriously when I first approached him as he thought I already had a great job! This Agent’s position afforded me the greatest learning platform I could have had. Continually visiting many different farms; observing many different breeds of dairy and beef cattle ; functioning in many varied nutritional environments : what a real and relevant research centre.
And some of the greatest learning was in observing the ‘ones’ that came to the sale as culls because : before you can learn what does work you must learn what doesn’t work. And if you keep your eyes open the learning (good and bad) all happens in front of you. When I began working as an Agent the district was full of Hereford cattle and from what I observed the Angus were better stock. Within 10 years I had influenced much change in the beef herds in the district.
My life feels as though it has been (and still is) a continual quest of identifying the most economically functional cow. I have always been drawn to the moderate framed, wide based cow (whether dairy or beef) because all my observations reveal this body type (in every breed) does well in all environments. Have seen many changes over the decades – most not very good. The type of Angus cow I fell in love with is very hard to find these days.
It is very refreshing and pleasing to see there is finally great consumer interest in real grass fed milk and meat products. The availability of genetics which will function efficiently in grass based environments is now very low. Today there are too many ‘smoke and mirror ’ assessments and evaluations and very little respect given to true knowledge, instinct and gut feeling. Sadly I have learned that people are much easier to deceive than to enlighten.
As well as great cows, farmer profitability has always been a high priority and I firmly believe efficient cow design is the key. My passion never wains and is always re-fired when I find a superior cow – of any breed . I will not give up. Looking forward to working with you on your journey.
Yours sincerely,
John O’Brien
Inverell, NSW
Leighwood Grange Johno J65 at 2 y.o.
Healthy cows provide healthy food and healthy profits.
Why this quest? John is passionate about great cows, actually loves cows and can talk at length about them. He is also intensely curious and less inclined to take the easy way out, would rather investigate than accept established beliefs, believes that we should live with both our head and our heart, is concerned over the current state of the beef and dairy cattle industry and the products consumers purchase, wants to make money for farmers rather than from them, wants to show consumers and producers that different alternatives are available and desires to make a difference in the world and a difference in people’s lives.
Click here to read WHO, HOW, WHY?
Click here to read favourite quotes.
Click here to read John O’Brien’s CV.
“We come from a background of using mainstream genetics, so when we met John O’Brien and listened to his beliefs and philosophies we entered a very new (for us) breeding paradigm. We were looking for an alternative and John’s sire selections offered this. We now have daughters of John’s sires on their 2nd calf and it is clear what he was (and still does) espousing. Low maintenance, productive, fertile and easy to look at females. We now understand the correct size a functional cow should be in our herd.”
—PeterDoyle, Organic Farmer, Cohuna, Victoria, Australia
“We have been using Nature’s Blueprint Sires for the last six years with offspring in their fourth lactations. It is evident that these cows have the genetic makeup to perform well on an all-forage diet. We expect to rely on Nature’s Blueprint bulls for providing the genetic foundation of our herd.”
—Nathan Weaver, Canastota, NY, United States of America
“John O’Brien understands full well the challenges we face as grass-based dairymen. He has with great skill cultivated the right sires to move our herd forward. The quality of the cattle that we use in our grass-fed system is critical to our farm’s future. At Dharma Lea we have been breeding our best cows to his A2/A2 sires for the last two seasons and based on the results we will continue to do so.”
—Phyllis and Paul Van Amburgh, Dharma Lea, Sharon Springs, NY, United States of America
“We have known John O’Brien for over 7 years; initially we engaged his services to help us improve our dairy herd. We were in a frustrating position where we were stuck with cows that were difficult to maintain and prone to sickness, to slowly turning it around into cows that suited our farming system – through Johns input. Not only did he provide the bulls but also valuable advice and support to follow through with our decision to completely change the type of cattle for our farming system.
There are few people in the industry who we trust and respect their opinion. John O’Brien has definitely been a valuable source of information to our farming business. Not only with the cow genetics but also with management decisions, and this and has helped us to achieve our goals.”
—Randall & Karen Buys, Organic Dairy Farmers, Yarram, Victoria, Australia